The Path of Consciousness & Loving Presence 

with Phillippe Atman & Jeffrey Huamanchiq-Wium

November 2024

Journey through the land and wisdom of Aotearoa – New Zealand

We gather in Little River to begin our journey together, ground in collective consciousness and engage loving presence through sacred wisdom teachings, wholistic practices, guided meditation and ceremony. Jeffrey and Philippe share experiential exercises, somatic-shamanic healing, wisdom teachings and personal guidance to help participants begin to deepen awareness, navigate challenges and increase wellbeing.

We then embark on an explorative and immersive cultural journey, traveling through the mountain landscape of the South Island to work with sacred sites and wisdomkeepers of Aotea Roa-New Zealand.

We begin at Kura Tawhiti (Castle Hill) with the Waitaha, to commune with the land and ancients through sacred wisdom, prayers and musical transmissions. We then travel over the pass to the West Coast and spend time at a Waitaha village to work with elders, Papatūānuku and Wairua Moana. From here we head south along the coast, camping en route and working at powerful locations along the way.

We continue up and over the mountains to Lake Wanaka to commune and expand our teachings and ceremonies, spending time in lakes and hot springs where we strengthen our prayers, deepen our connection and prepare for our time at Mount Aoraki.

Throughout the journey, we focus on healing division, expanding consciousness, harmonizing mind-body-spirit and preparing ourselves for a new era lived in tranquility and heart presence.

Join us to camp under the stars, nourish our souls and focus on deepening our relationship with Mother Earth, Elementals, Mountain Benefactors and Celestial Spirits.

Philippe and Jeffrey will hold the sacred container while sharing their wholistic knowledge and experience of working with and within indigenous traditions from around the world. This is an opportunity to experience the heart wisdom of ancestral traditions while learning to embody your Eternal Essence.

TRIP FORMAT : We travel and operate as a family, buying and preparing food together, setting up tents and helping out while enjoying the company of conscious people and the magical landscapes and their ancestral wisdom carriers.

COST : TO BE ANNOUNCED. All-inclusive ground expenses. Participants are responsible for their travel to and from Little River, South Island

DEPOSIT : When registering, a non-refundable 50% deposit is required to secure your place with the remaining balance due at least 45 days prior to the trip start date. Full payment is also accepted at time of registration. Special arrangements are available by request.

PHILIPPE ATMAN is a healing practitioner drawing on over 20 years of professional experience. He brings together energy medicine, intuitive healing, integrative breath work, physiotherapy, yoga, qigong, meditation, shamanic practice, massage, reiki, craniosacral therapy and soul centred counselling. Philippe offers a gentle and heart-centered space, supporting clients, facilitating group programs and teaching energy healing. Website : ONESPIRIT.NZ

JEFFREY HUAMANCHIQ-WIUM has spent the past 25 years exploring and integrating sacred wisdom, healing modalities and ceremonial practices from around the world. Jeffrey is the first western-born, traditionally-trained Andean-Inkan celestial lineage holder. He offers a holistic approach to awakening and wellbeing based on conscious medicine, energetic rebalancing, mind-body-spirit harmonization and more.


PERU : April & September 2024


EGYPT : December 2025